
01582 290129

Consultancy and development services

  • Work with Edwin Homes to develop your land or home

Get more value from your

Development project

The team at Edwin Homes have extensive experience in development across many disciplines including planning, design, feasibility studies and construction. We have worked with land owners, commercial building owners, and home owners to help prepare plans, designs and feasibility for a successful planning application and development project.

Planning a project? Talk to us first.

With our skilled and imaginative design solutions we can often unearth opportuntiies which others may not. We have extensive experience working with planning departments and understand the intricacies of planning law to develop sites in order to gain a higher gross development value (GDV) than you may expect or are able to achieve on your own.

We are happy to visit your potential site and work with you to develop the maximum return on your land.

Get in touch

Development Case Study - Heriot House, Chertsey

Our consultancy expertise is focused on evaluating and planning successful new development projects for clients.

A recent consultancy project was the conversion of Heriot House in Chertsey. The project consisted of the conversion of an existing office building into residential units.

The eventual solution created 14 fabulous flats regenerating a tired building into a vibrant living space with plenty of light and a sense of carefree living with the Parisian central courtyard socializing zone. Below are some example drawings from this project.

Edwin Homes provided the development appraisals, detailed designs and planning advise.
